Are you treating your stomach right this summer? 5 ways to know

Summers are good for cold drinks and plenty of ice creams. But, the more you make your taste buds happy, the more disruptive it becomes. The summer season has a tendency to mess up your stomach. This is because the heat dehydrates our body and interferes with the functioning of the digestive system.

If you haven’t yet started practicing self-care, follow the simple steps below to improve digestion in summer.

1. Drink plenty of fluids

Summers can cause an imbalance of salt and water in our bodies leading to various health problems. Hence, drinking 8-10 glasses of water and keeping yourself hydrated becomes important. Additionally, drink buttermilk and curd to keep your system cool.

Some people experience seasonal digestive disorders. Problems like stomach aches, constipation, and high fever accompany this phase. It’s good to consult a doctor if the symptoms worsen or prolong. Nevertheless, for any other issues, ors drink is the best remedy.

2. Eat less but frequently

Eating smaller portions is the best way to avoid indigestion. Try breaking up the food intake into 4-5 times. When you start to eat, savor your food and eat slowly. Doing this will spare you from overwhelming your stomach which leads to difficult digestion.

3. Add fruits to your diet

Fruits like mangoes are rich in vitamin A & C and help in smooth digestion. Watermelons are heavy in micronutrients and help reduce bloating and digestive issues. Apart from fruits, add ghee, coconut water, and sugarcane juice to your diet to cool down your body.

4. Avoid spicy and fried foods

When the temperature is soaring, adding spice to your diet could be the worst decision. Fried foods lead to heartburns and result in stomach inflation. Instead, replace these with fresh vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

5. Cut down sugars

Chilled sugary drinks might look like a great idea to beat the heat but they do the opposite. The intake of sugar in summers makes it hard to process food. For this reason, keep an eye out for the number of coffees or energy drinks you have.


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