Covid Immunity
I don’t need to tell you what is Covid-19, do I? But with the sudden surge of Covid-19 cases yet once
again, I thought it may be a good time to revise our syllabus for keeping our Defence system strong.
Follow these tips to make your immunity your BODY-GUARD , quite literally:
First Up, Food
Food items to avoid:
- Alcohol
o Alcohol uses up several antioxidants to get properly detoxified from our body. - Fried foods
- Sweetened foods or beverages
o High sugar or high carbohydrate foods severely tax our immune system and can
cause inflammation, which increases our body’s consumption of vitamins and
We need to keep all the nutritional power toward our immune system for incoming pathogens,
such as bacteria and viruses.
- Remember to use fresh herbs. They contain natural antimicrobial properties and are power-packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
- Make sure to use produce. Wash all fruit and vegetables (including organic) because of pesticide and herbicide residue, which can increase the need for more antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
- Remember to increase high fiber foods slowly over 1-2 weeks to avoid gastrointestinal complaints.
The Restorer – Sleep
Recommend 7-9 hours for adults, and may need even more than that if you have chronic
health concerns. If you sacrifice your sleep for something you are risking the rebuilding
process of your immunity cells. Poor sleep quality increases our natural stress ,which will
we get back in a moment, which increases inflammation.
Poor sleep can also lead to increased hunger and caloric consumption because of energy
Stay active
Light exercise within your comfort and ability helps support the immune system and flushes the
lymphatic system — another source of surveillance for our body. Don’t overdo it, though.
Excessive exercise can harm your immune system and cause fatigue.
Includes : Indoor activities, outdoor activities
If you’re involved in excessive training, support your system with your nutrition and other
lifestyle measures.
Keep the Stress under control
Monitor your stress and take a break once in a while! Chronic stress weakens the
immune system and puts you at risk by reducing nutrients needed to support your
healthy cells.
With these tips you all will be able to strengthen your immunity and guard your body
from the Covid-19 virus. Stay safe.