Higher Immunity, Higher Productivity : Here’s Why

Do you find yourself taking too many breaks from work? Has your productivity level taken a dip all of a sudden? In case you are able to relate to these, you need to take a closer look at your immunity level. Here are a few signs that you might need to look out for to increase your productivity.

You’re sick before an important event

It is not a coincidence that you tend to get sick after a huge project or an important presentation. Stress can affect your body and trigger harmful reactions. High levels of stress can harm your body physically and mentally. Few harmful effects are increase in your blood pressure, metabolism, heart rate etc. It also affects your productivity level and immunity level leaving you prone to infections.

Did You Know
80% of people feel stressed at their workplace (Source)

You fall sick too often

If you catch a cold, cough or a runny nose more than twice a year, you need to take a closer look at your immunity level. You need to work on strengthening immunity by consuming highly nutritious food or immunity boosters. Catching a cold essentially means lost hours of productivity and physical inability to do work. This results in a bad performance at your workplace. To avoid these, keep a check on your food consumption and ensure you have healthy meals.

You’re constantly tired

You know you are doing everything right to stay refreshed and be on top of your game. Yet you feel exhausted by noon and almost have no energy to carry out your tasks. You might assume that a power nap would help but it doesn’t and you feel helpless. This is your body’s way of telling you that your immune system is struggling. When you’re infected, your immunity system is overworked leaving you with less energy causing you to feel tired all the time.

Your tummy is troubled often

Do you suffer from frequent constipation or gut health issues? Do you end up taking leave from work often to deal with it? In case it was due to last night’s dinner, you can take a Food Intolerance Test to confirm. More often than not, it could be due to your gut health as well. The bacteria present in your body helps defend your gut from infection and promotes overall immunity. The next time you face trouble with your stomach, don’t simply stop with consuming antacids. Start consuming supplements like Kyo Dophilus everyday and boost your gut health.

Back and joint aches become constant

Do you find yourself twitching and moving your body often and sulking in pain? You might have changed your sitting posture but it’s still in vain. Chronic joint and muscle pain are very much linked to one’s immune system. While fighting off infections, your body produces a lot of inflammatory chemicals. Over time your body moves into a chronic pain state and joints become inflamed with swellings. And this is why it is important to regularly check your immunity level. Antibody tests help in detecting your body’s immunity level and also identifies if you’ve been frequently affected by COVID – 19.

In case if you experience any of these above mentioned signs, get an immunity test done and don’t let your productivity level take a hit. Start exercising regularly and improve your immunity levels.


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