UV Safety Awareness: Everything you should know to protect yourself

There are three types of people under the sun. The ones who use creams to protect themselves from the harmful rays. And the ones who wear extra-large suits and carry umbrellas.

The third type invariably neglects self-care when going outside. That’s why this UV safety awareness month in the UAE, we’ll see why UV safety is important and how to protect yourself while in the sun.

Why pay attention to UV safety?

Sun is a natural source of Vitamin D. The nutrients from the rays rejuvenate the bones, blood cells, and immunity. However, too much sun exposure could cause damage to your body.

This includes skin, eye, and immunity damage. Alongside these, the deadly skin cancer accompanies.

Types of UV rays

There are two types of UV rays – A & B. UV (A) has a longer wavelength and causes skin aging. While UV (B) has a shorter wavelength and causes skin burns. Additionally, a lot of factors contribute to how the UV rays reach the ground.

  • Time of the day (Strongest from 10 am – 4 pm)
  • Stronger during spring and summer
  • More rays reach higher altitudes
  • Reflection off surfaces is stronger

A lot of people are either unaware or negligent regarding protection from UV rays, especially with kids. That’s why this July, we ask you to spread the goodness of educating yourself and your loved ones.

How to protect yourself?

Follow these simple tips below to have a safe outing.

  • It’s always good to start by wearing a protective layer of clothing. Clothing of UVF (Ultraviolet protection factor) of 30 and above is good. If possible, cover your entire body.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses to cover the face, neck, and eyes.
  • Use a good sunscreen with a high SPF
  • Refrain from stepping outside during the peak hours

Even if you forget to follow everything on the checklist, always remember to use a sunscreen lotion. Here are some of the best sunscreen lotions for UAE weather. Never forget to follow the standard procedures for UV protection, after all, prevention is better than cure.


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